Script to simplify Netflix activity pages (in progress)

  • March 18, 2012
  • James Skemp
I love Netflix, but there's no easy way to get a listing of the movies I've rated through the service. To ease with that, I've finally started on a script that will clean the Netflix output, so it's a bit easier to parse. Fire up Chrome, visit either or, open a console, and use the following two scripts: Script 1: Load jQuery var GM_JQ = document.createElement('script'); GM_JQ.src = ''; GM_JQ.type = 'text/javascript'; document.

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Migration from CollabNet Subversion to VisualSVN Server

  • November 18, 2011
  • James Skemp
Since it doesn't seem CollabNet is really going to keep their non-Edge Subversion application, I've decided to migrate to VisualSVN Server. Roughly, here are the steps I went through to migrate, which also includes a 1.6.x upgrade. VisualSVN migration Installed VisualSVN. Repositories saved to C:\Repositories Setup existing users. Import existing repositories. Should already be upgraded, but upgrade to 1.5, just in case. Upgrade TortoiseSVN. Upgrade working copies to 1.7.

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mvc-mini-profiler for users in a particular role

  • June 24, 2011
  • James Skemp
When Jeff Atwood announced the release of the mvc-mini-profiler for ASP.NET MVC Web sites I was intrigued. Just the other day he wrote an article Performance is a Feature and I decided I could hold off no longer. Tonight (for better or worse) I finally got this up and running on one of my sites, and fully intend on adding it to at least one more. To install it I naturally used NuGet, but note that it's called MiniProfiler there.

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How to easily clear the window.applicationCache on select browsers

  • April 2, 2011
  • James Skemp
While I was working on tweaking my video game listing, and creating my offline Web application manager, I kept running into issues with the cache manifest holding onto data much longer than I would have liked. After some research I found that Chrome's interface can easily be found by going to chrome://appcache-internals/. On Safari, on the iPod Touch and iPad, you can stop/close Safari (hold down the home button on the home screen, and close the application) and then start it back up to clear the data.

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Raw: Using OpenSSL to create a certificate authority and update IIS 7.5

  • December 29, 2010
  • James Skemp
A raw dump of information on how to create a certificate authority and etcetera. Step 1: Basic folder and file structure creation Directories: certs, keys, requests Files: database.txt (empty), serial.txt (01, then new line), openssl.cnf (based on OpenSSL file) Step 2: Create key "c:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\bin\openssl.exe" genrsa -des3 -out keys/_ca.key 2048 Step 3: Create certificate authority certificate "c:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\bin\openssl.exe" req -config openssl.cnf -new -x509 -days 365 -key keys/_ca.

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Getting started with StatSVN (0.7.0) and CollabNet Subversion Server

  • October 31, 2010
  • James Skemp
This past week I was looking at advanced statistical information about a couple Subversion repositories we use at work. While TortoiseSVN has some basic reporting, the downside is that, out of the box, users must have access to the repository to access this information. StatSVN, seemingly the most popular solution, works rather well as an alternative to granting this access. The downside (or upside, depending upon your perspective) is that viewers of the report can see what files changed, and how many lines, but not what the actual changes were (outside of the logged message).

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Subversion repository dump: WPF and Silverlight application, with MVVM (revision 25)

  • October 24, 2010
  • James Skemp
As alluded to in a previous post, in regards to an excellent Silverlight/WPF with MVVM tutorial, I've begun looking into the MVVM pattern, as I begin moving towards WPF and Silverlight for applications. Having fully watched the series twice, and begun a third watch working through the example, albeit with the Northwind sample database, I decided to share my labor with others. To that end I present a Subversion repository dump with a fairly step-by-step look at how to go from nothing to a simple application with WPF and Silverlight support.

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iTunes Playlists to Xml: Parsing categories with LINQ

  • October 20, 2010
  • James Skemp
I recently had the need to determine what types of music I had within my collection of music. Since I created iTunes Playlists to Xml so that I could export out my library on my iPod, it was easy enough to run that and then open LINQPad to run the following query. Obviously, you must export the Genre field in order for the following query to work. // Location to the XML from iTunes Playlists to XML String playlistXml = @"

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Excellent Silverlight/WPF MVVM video series

  • October 17, 2010
  • James Skemp
Here's an excellent video series on Silverlight/WPF (XAML basically) and the MVVM pattern. He does, what I believe to be, an excellent job of covering XAML and MVVM during this series, and includes a bit of unit testing as well. Part one is included below, but another user on YouTube created a Playlist with the eight videos released. Update: Or you can view his blog post, time cockpit at NRWConf.

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Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (Wii) - leveling and initial thoughts

  • October 16, 2010
  • James Skemp
A little over an hour into Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon I have three levels of information, and some preliminary thoughts. Leveling information I'll put this into an XML file at some point, I'm sure, but here are the first three levels. Level - HP - Base Attack - Experience to next level 1 - 100 - 4 - 1000 2 - 120 - 6 - 3000 3 - 140 - 8 - 6775

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