Twitter hashtag - #walkingmusic

  • April 24, 2009
  • James Skemp
In the spirit of Rob Lumley (rmlumley), who created #cubemusic, and after a great walk today, I've created an original hashtag: #walkingmusic. For all those days I go for a walk (which I hope to be every Friday afternoon, at least), I'll be noting afterwards what music I listened to on my walk. It's very similar to #cubemusic, but not as likely to get you in trouble (even though I would assume there would be more than that to it).

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My first, working, piece of jQuery

  • April 23, 2009
  • James Skemp
This is the first piece of jQuery that I wrote, for production use, that works exactly as I'd like it to. Some code has been changed. try { $(document).ready(function(){ $('div#headerLogin') .prepend($(document.createElement('div')) .addClass('headerLoggedIn') .append('Logged in as: <span><cfoutput>#query.displayName#</cfoutput></span> <span><a href="">logout</a></span>') ); $('div.headerLoggedIn') .after('<span>Hello<cfif IsDefined("query.first_name") AND Trim(query.first_name) NEQ "">, <cfoutput>#query.first_name#</cfoutput></cfif></span>'); }); } catch (ex) {} It's for a site that runs ColdFusion, hence the CF tags. Basically it finds the div with an id of headerLogin and adds to that a new div, with a class and some text.

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Passing the time online, reading the news

  • April 22, 2009
  • James Skemp
Often times, like this morning, I've got anywhere between 5 to 60 minutes of time to kill. It doesn't make sense to do anything truly productive, so I end up visiting a number of sites.,,, etcetera. Then I get desperate and visit However, once I've visited these, I run low on ideas of other sites, like these, that I can visit. Any recommendations on sites that combine news, from a number of different sources, that is also interesting?

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Countries that come to mind ...

  • April 10, 2009
  • James Skemp
When I think of Europe I think of the U.K., France, then Germany. What about Spain though? Moving east, Japan and China, followed by North Korea. I realize that India should be on the list, but it's not one that immediately comes to mind. Africa, as a whole, is not on the list; only bad things come to mind (AIDs and spammers/scammers). Same with Israel; isn't it bad that I think not of religiousness, but rather of constant war?

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iTunes Playlists to Xml - version 1.0 released

  • March 29, 2009
  • James Skemp
This application has since been updated. Read about the current version of iTunes Playlists to Xml. Version 1.0 of iTunes Playlists to Xml has been released. Download iTunes Playlists to Xml version 1.0. Unlike the previous versions, this includes an installer (setup.exe in the zip file). Comments/suggestions welcome. New program icon will, naturally, be accepted; I know mine isn't very good, but ...

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Netflix shipping, for Madison WI - Year 3 (Part 2)

  • March 28, 2009
  • James Skemp
Part 1 of year 3 with Netflix is covered elsewhere. Here lies part 2 of year 3 with Netflix, from March 26 2009, to September 26, 2009. Plan changes There have been no changes at this time. The times 03/27/2009 (F) - Movie received by Netflix and next one shipped. (Henceforth, MRNOS.) 03/28/2009 (Sa) - Received and watched Quantum of Solace (2008), which actually means I probably was the second person to have this disc.

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Test application in ASP.NET (C#): Amortization schedule

  • March 16, 2009
  • James Skemp
Having used a number of amortization schedule generators this past weekend, I thought I could do better. It's still in-progress, but after (exactly) 2 hours of work, it functions. View the Amortization schedule generator. Developed in ASP.NET C#, with a limited amount of JS. Unlike the site I crashed this weekend, this should tell you if you attempt to pay less per month than you owe in interest. At this point, I only allow 100 payments to be returned, just in case .

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Windows applications I use almost every day (March 2009)

  • March 14, 2009
  • James Skemp
Haven't done this in a while, so here we go. In no particular order, here's the Windows applications that I use almost every day. Those used primarily at either work or home are noted as such. WinMerge (work - I use TortoiseMerge at home, when needed) Dreamweaver (work - limited usage these days at home) oXygen Xml Editor (home) iTunes (home) FileZilla (home - if I didn't use Explorer with shares, I'd use this at work as well) TortoiseSVN (home) Visual Studio 2008 (home, since most of my work is still in ColdFusion at work) Microsoft Virtual PC (work) Internet Explorer (7 at work, 7 and 8 at home) Firefox (work) that free SQL Server Management tool (work) Google Talk (home) Notepad WordPad Things I have no choice over at work (Outlook, our timesheets application, Cisco Communication, and Track-It!

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iTunes Playlists to Xml - version 0.6b released

  • March 5, 2009
  • James Skemp
This application has since been updated. Read about the current version of iTunes Playlists to Xml. iTunes Playlists to Xml, version 0.6b, is now available for download. Download iTunes Playlists to Xml - version 0.6b. This version now handles the bug where playlists could be out of date, by alerting the user. This version also includes functionality to save the Xml file, as well as configure the name the application will use when generating the Xml file.

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iTunes Playlists to Xml - version 0.4b released

  • March 2, 2009
  • James Skemp
This application has since been updated. Read about the current version of iTunes Playlists to Xml. Having just released version 0.3b of iTunes Playlists to Xml, I've got yet another release. This release includes menus, the ability to select what data you want in the Xml, and a schema for validation. Unfortunately, I've discovered one bug (that would have existed before) with playlists getting updated in iTunes, between the refresh in this application, and the time it was clicked on.

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