The benefits of using a file for Log Parser SQL queries

  • September 26, 2010
  • James Skemp
One of the things I always forget about when I'm using Microsoft Log Parser is that you can define your SQL query in a file and run it, instead of putting it in the command line. For example, the following will run whatever SQL is defined in strivinglife.robots.sql. logparser -i:w3c -o:xml file:strivinglife.robots.sql Where this comes in handy is for something like the Log Parser query I defined today, that parses IIS logs for requests to the robots.

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Log Parser Plus - version 0.3 released

  • November 7, 2009
  • James Skemp
Version 0.3.1 of Log Parser Plus now features a custom LocalTime variable for IISW3C queries, and outputs the final query (for copying). The scratch pad (the unlabeled text box) will no longer clear when a new query is performed. Currently under development, Log Parser Plus (not be confused with the Web site is a tool to (hopefully) help work with Microsoft Log Parser. Download Log Parser Plus 0.3 BETA.

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Log Parser Plus - version 0.2.1 released

  • November 2, 2009
  • James Skemp
This is no longer the current version. View information about the current version of Log Parser Plus. Microsoft Log Parser is a command line-based utility useful to parse IIS logs and more. While a number of applications exist to help use Log Parser, as well as a number of sites containing Log Parser queries, I haven't been very happy with them. In an attempt to make it even easier to work with Log Parser, I present version 0.

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Microsoft Log Parser custom brush for Syntax Highlighter

  • October 18, 2009
  • James Skemp
It still needs a touch of work, but a basic custom brush for Syntax Highlighter is available for download. Download the Microsoft Log Parser custom brush for Syntax Highlighter 2.0.320. Example included below and at logparser -rtp:-1 "SELECT cs-uri-stem, cs-uri-query, date, sc-status, cs(Referer) INTO 200sReport.txt FROM ex0902*.log WHERE (sc-status >= 200 AND sc-status < 300) ORDER BY sc-status, date, cs-uri-stem, cs-uri-query" Comments and suggestions are welcomed.

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IIS Logs to SQLite - version 0.1 beta released

  • September 24, 2009
  • James Skemp
Unfortunately, Microsoft Log Parser is unable to convert logs into SQLite. To work around this limitation I've created IIS Logs to SQLite, which will parse IIS logs and import them into the SQLite database and table of your choice. The first beta version of this application is now available. Download IIS Logs to SQLite version 0.1. This application requires the .NET Framework version 3.5 (check your version of .NET Framework).

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Microsoft Log Parser timestamp formats

  • February 6, 2009
  • James Skemp
The following article covers the timestamp format specifiers accepted by Microsoft Log Parser. Date Year y, yy, yyy, yyyy = last 1, 2, 3, or 4 digits, relative to 2000 Month M = no leading zero MM = leading zero MP = leading space MX = no leading zero, or with or without zero when parsing MMM = 3-character abbreviation MMMM = full name of month Day d = no leading zero dd = leading zero dp = leading space dx = no leading zero, or with or without zero when parsing ddd = 3-character abbreviation dddd = full name of day Time Hour h or H = no leading zero hh or HH = leading zero hp or HP = leading space hx or HX = leading zero, or with or without leading zero when parsing Minute m = no leading zero mm = leading zero mp = leading space mx = leading zero, or with or without leading zero when parsing Second s = no leading zero ss = leading zero sp = leading space sx = leading zero, or with or without leading zero when parsing Millisecond l = no leading zero ll = leading zero lp = leading space lx = leading zero, or with or without leading zero when parsing Nanosecond n = no leading zero nn = leading zero np = leading space nx = leading zero, or with or without leading zero when parsing Other tt = AM/PM ?

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Parse FileZilla Server logs with Log Parser

  • November 23, 2008
  • James Skemp
While FileZilla Server is one of the best FTP servers available, it's logging leaves much to be desired. However, after a couple of hours, I've created a script for Log Parser that will generate a W3C log from FileZilla Server's logs. Save the following to a file, for example, FileZillaServer.sql: SELECT  SUBSTR(Text, 1, SUB(INDEX_OF(Text, ')'), 1)) AS RequestNumber  , TO_TIMESTAMP(   TRIM(    SUBSTR(     Text     , ADD(INDEX_OF(Text, ')'), 1)     , SUB(INDEX_OF(Text, '-'), ADD(INDEX_OF(Text, ')'), 4))

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How to get started with Microsoft Log Parser

  • November 7, 2008
  • James Skemp
I've written about Microsoft Log Parser before, and even started a site around it. But, I noticed the other day that I hadn't written on how to get started with this powerful tool. Getting Log Parser The current version of Log Parser is version 2.2, which you can download from Microsoft. Installing Log Parser While it says supported operating systems are "Windows 2000; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP Professional Edition," it appears to run fine on Windows XP Home Edition and Windows Vista (at least Ultimate has been personally confirmed).

Read More - Updates for 2008.11.04

  • November 5, 2008
  • James Skemp
Log Parser Plus was updated last night, during the election coverage, with the following changes: All functions now have descriptions (pulled almost completely from the included help file). Expressions have been added. Visit for all of this information, and more, as it becomes available. (Next addition will be samples for the functions, and the start of a fleshed-out queries listing.)

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  • September 26, 2008
  • James Skemp
Since I now have actual content, there can be more visitors to Log Parser Plus, outside of the government. In additon to posting the articles here, I'll be posting a number of articles to Log Parser Plus in an attempt to make Microsoft's Log Parser utility that much easier. The initial focus will be on IIS-related queries, but who knows where it'll end up.

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