Netflix shipping, for Madison WI - Year 4 (Part 2)

  • March 27, 2010
  • James Skemp
The second half of year 4 with Netflix is contained below. This covers shipping from March 26, 2010 to approximately September 25, 2010. See also the first half of year 4. MRNOS = Movie Received and Next One Shipped The times 03/26/2010 (F) - MRNOS. 03/27/2010 (Sa) - Watched 1408 (2007) at my mom's (via Charter On Demand), which was pretty dang good. Received next movie, but since it's noticeably cracked, and I don't want to risk it, putting it right back in the Milwaukee (3079) mailer I received it in.

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Samurize configurations across my systems

  • March 21, 2010
  • James Skemp
One of the applications that I consistently run across all my machines is Serious Samurize. After first finding it, years and years ago, it's quickly become a requirement for getting work done. While some people may have much prettier, and extensive, configurations, I prefer something that I can let sit on my screen on top of everything (assuming Windows doesn't let other applications bump on top of it every once in a while), giving me only the information I need.

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iPod Touch, netbooks, laptops, and desktops

  • February 21, 2010
  • James Skemp
For the last handful of months I've been thinking about accessing the Internet, and otherwise being productive, while on the go. A number of months back I picked up an HP device with Windows Mobile, unfortunately, after a few months the short battery life and inability to run the applications I wanted/needed to be truly productive forced me to sell it and start looking elsewhere ... iPod Touch The iPhone had been out for a while when I started looking at what an iPod Touch could offer.

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iTunes Playlists to Xml - version 1.5.3 released

  • January 10, 2010
  • James Skemp
This application has since been updated. Read about the current version of iTunes Playlists to Xml. Version 1.5.3 of iTunes Playlists to Xml is now available for download. Download iTunes Playlists to Xml 1.5.3. Installing and more information If you're new to iTunes Playlists to Xml, I've created a 'product page' for iTunes Playlists to Xml with all the information needed to get started. Upgrading To upgrade from any version of 1.

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Simple Journal 1.0 Released

  • January 3, 2010
  • James Skemp
Version 1.0 of Simple Journal is now available for download. Simple Journal is meant to be exactly that; a very simple way to keep track of a journal. Simple Journal uses XML files to store entries, which are edited in HTML (uses TinyMCE for the WYSIWYG editor) and which allow supplementation and later updates. Download Simple Journal 1.0. To use Simple Journal extract the contents of the zip file to a directory and start _startCassini.

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Favorite new (to me) music of 2009

  • January 1, 2010
  • James Skemp
Keeping with the tradition started here, a list for 2010 is also available. Having only listened to the radio a few times over the last year, I have a good idea of just what music I've listened to, since my iPod keeps track of everything. With the help of iTunes Playlists to Xml and LINQPad, here's my favorite new (to me) album purchases of 2009. To be on this list I must have purchased the album in 2009.

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2010 resolutions (with special appearance by 2009)

  • December 19, 2009
  • James Skemp
I don't much believe in New Year's Resolutions, or the like. Instead, I believe that if you want to change something, you should just do so. But, it's nice to have a start date, so here goes. 2009 'resolutions' Not necessarily resolutions, these were things I decided to do or try in 2009. Stopped drinking soda I've flirted with soda for a long time, switching back to Mountain Dew after college, and drinking Dr.

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Video games I'm looking forward to in 2010

  • December 9, 2009
  • James Skemp
In no particular order, here are the video games I'm currently looking forward to playing in 2010. Note that some games may have been released earlier. Consoles that games can be released for are the PS2/PS3, Xbox 360, or Wii (which therefore includes GameCube games). Since I will probably not be getting an Xbox Live Gold subscription this coming January, and am going to go back to playing RPGs on PS systems only, when possible, PS3 versions of multi-console releases will be higher on my list.

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iTunes Playlists to Xml - version 1.5.1 released

  • November 14, 2009
  • James Skemp
This application has since been updated. Read about the current version of iTunes Playlists to Xml. Version is available for download, which fixes an issue with version 1.5.2. Thanks to Pierre for bringing this to my attention. Version 1.5.2 is available for download, which adds the -output argument. Version 1.5.1 of iTunes Playlists to Xml is now available for download. Download iTunes Playlists to Xml 1.5.1. Installing and more information If you're new to iTunes Playlists to Xml, I've created a 'product page' for iTunes Playlists to Xml with all the information needed to get started.

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iTunes Playlists to Xml - version 1.5 released

  • November 13, 2009
  • James Skemp
This application has since been updated. Read about the current version of iTunes Playlists to Xml. Version 1.5 of iTunes Playlists to Xml is now available for download. Download iTunes Playlists to Xml 1.5. Installing and more information If you're new to iTunes Playlists to Xml, I've created a 'product page' for iTunes Playlists to Xml with all the information needed to get started. Upgrading To upgrade from any version of 1.

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