My first video to Google Video?

  • September 25, 2006
  • James Skemp

Yesterday, I did multiple takes for a video on how to create snippets in Dreamweaver 8. The video ended up being pretty good, I think, albeit the video size was a bit large, and the resolution was a bit small (640x480 is what Google recommends).

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Version control systems - any suggestions?

  • September 14, 2006
  • James Skemp
Version control is something that I've been interested in for the past several months (actually, what month is it, September? I guess it's been longer than just a couple of months) but that I haven't been able to dig into as much as I'd like. Subversion keeps coming up as a good piece of software, with the addition of Trac. Since I wrote the guide to installing Apache 2.0.x a bit ago, I have no reason for not getting started with Subversion.

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How to backup Playstation 2 memory cards?

  • September 9, 2006
  • James Skemp

I'll be needing to get a new Playstation 2 memory card shortly, since the I've got less than a MB left on each of the two cards I currently have. While there's some extra Final Fantasy X saves that I could go through and delete, I'd really like to backup the saves that I have to my computer. After a bit of searching, I'm just not sure what to purchase ...

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This could be a commercial (Schopenhauer)

  • September 1, 2006
  • James Skemp

Arthur Schopenhauer's Sämtliche Werke (5 paperbook collection)


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Installing Ubuntu really isn't that bad (assuming it can access the file system and your hard drive isn't toast)

  • August 18, 2006
  • James Skemp

After attempting at least twice before to install Ubuntu onto a computer, I've finally done so this evening. As Gavin would say, "Woot!"

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How Charter Madison stacks up -

  • August 15, 2006
  • James Skemp
On CNET this morning I ran across  Like sites and tools that have come before it, it's meant to test connection speeds between one computer and another.  Unlike previous ones, however, the UI is much more attactive (i.e., more Web 2.0-like). If you haven't tried it out yet, I recommend you do so.  My results from Charter, in Madison WI, are below. It'll be interesting to see just how long this stays up.

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If there's one thing that I don't like about WordPress ..

  • August 11, 2006
  • James Skemp

... it's that updating is such a pain in the behind if you have to work remotely via FTP.

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Heather better win Hell's Kitchen

  • August 7, 2006
  • James Skemp
I haven't been watching the show the entire way, but Heather's been kicking butt on almost every show I've seen. Virginia, on the other hand, has been crawling along by the seat of her pants, dragged smiling and crying to the finals. I hate reality television - it's so dang addicting if you let it get to you ...

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July '06: Month end stat thoughts

  • August 6, 2006
  • James Skemp

I've been moving the last couple of weeks, hence no posts.

I just figured out a problem I was having connecting to the Internet yesterday, so today it's been browsing browsing browsing.

I also just grabbed last month's stats (from AWStats) for my site, and hooked up Google Analytics (having grabbed an invite from the Digital Point forums - to quote Gavin, "woot"). Looking at browser stats in particular (from AWStats - Analytics won't be functional until tomorrow), I noticed a couple of things.

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Code cleanup and commenting - done right

  • June 18, 2006
  • James Skemp

For the past hour, I've been looking at current ways to get my name out there for Web page cleanup and commenting. In other words, I'd like to work with existing code to bring it closer to the standards, and comment it, if necessary. I would think it would be of great benefit to those individuals who bought a solution from a vendor, and are looking at changes to that code, or cleanup so that there pages act alike in most browsers. Unfortunately, I haven't found a site to offer my wares. I've also looked at open source projects that may need some free help, but, alas, nothing there either.

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