Installing WordPress 2.9.2 on Windows Server 2003 using Microsoft's Web Platform Installer
- March 12, 2010
- James Skemp
WordPress 2.2.1 Import/Export function problems
- July 18, 2007
- James Skemp
BlogEngine.NET - now used by StrivingLife
- July 13, 2007
- James Skemp
More comments in WordPress 2.1.2
- March 25, 2007
- James Skemp
I noticed the other day that after upgrading to WordPress 2.1.2, many of the ads that the AdSense-Deluxe plugin was adding were not getting really getting added.
Normally I add the necessary AdSense-Deluxe (ASD) code immediately after the 'more' comment. However, if I changed the location of the ASD code, the ads displayed correctly. Eh?
The major failing of Akismet ...
- February 25, 2007
- James Skemp
The major failing of the Akismet plug-in is that you can't determine which IPs, if any, are spamming your site the most.
Akismet needs to have the ability to group by IP, as well as show counts for each IP.
Not impressed by the WordPress 2.1 feature list
- January 22, 2007
- James Skemp
WordPress 2.1 was released today and, unfortunately, I'm just not horribly impressed by the new feature list. Granted, it's a short feature list, but I see few reasons to upgrade. The main reason? Most of these features look like they're geared towards non-technical/shared-hosting users.
The WordPress calendar is a table
- January 15, 2007
- James Skemp
There's a number of problems with WordPress, as far as accessibility goes. However, the easiest one to fix is the problem with the calendar, which displays in the default theme, as well as many custom ones (I'm sure). It lacks a summary tag.
WordPress: Fake user registrations
- December 11, 2006
- James Skemp
If there's one thing that I don't like about WordPress ..
- August 11, 2006
- James Skemp
... it's that updating is such a pain in the behind if you have to work remotely via FTP.
1,000 spam caught by Akismet!
- May 26, 2006
- James Skemp
As of this morning, exactly 1,000 spam have been caught by Akismet for this site. Not too shabby. Unfortunately, I don't know when this started, but it was before I got really hit.
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