Raymond Smullyan's Knight and Knave Word Problem
- April 24, 2005
- James Skemp
According to David Gries (via his site), logician Raymond Smullyan stated the following word problem in one of his many books, which regards lying knaves and truthful knights.
English language books by or on Arthur Schopenhauer
- February 2, 2005
- James Skemp
If you’re going to read more on Arthur Schopenhauer, I suggest you start with his main works, followed by other primary resources (id est, books written by him), followed by secondary resources.
For ease, I’ve compiled a list of books currently available to the English language reader. Obviously, if you can read German, it makes little sense to purchase any of the translations, since the language the work was written in is better suited for Schopenhauer’s original thoughts.
Should Doctors Always Tell Patients the Truth?
- December 31, 2004
- James Skemp
On Humour at Another's Expense
- October 25, 2004
- James Skemp
What are the futures of those illusions Freud?
- September 26, 2004
- James Skemp
On the Saying 'God is Odd'
- September 17, 2004
- James Skemp
Overview of Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy
- September 3, 2004
- James Skemp
On Mohandas and Arun Gandhi's Blunders of the World
- August 16, 2004
- James Skemp
Heidegger's Principle of Reason Lectures
- June 17, 2004
- James Skemp
The reason I picked up Martin Heidegger's The Principle of Reason was quite simple - having read Arthur Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation and agreed with many of his points, I attempt to further my knowledge of his principles as much as possible. While Heidegger doesn't mention Schopenhauer a single time in his thirteen Lectures, nor in his Address, Schopenhauer certainly discusses the Principle of Reason, pulling off of Leibniz, and is therefore a blatant oversight of Heidegger's to not mention Schopenhauer at all. Whether this is unintentional one cannot know from simply the text, but for a German philosopher to not know another German philosopher who covered the same content is quite surprising, to say the very least.
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