Windows applications I use almost every day (March 2009)
Haven't done this in a while, so here we go. In no particular order, here's the Windows applications that I use almost every day. Those used primarily at either work or home are noted as such.
WinMerge (work - I use TortoiseMerge at home, when needed)
Dreamweaver (work - limited usage these days at home)
oXygen Xml Editor (home)
iTunes (home)
FileZilla (home - if I didn't use Explorer with shares, I'd use this at work as well)
TortoiseSVN (home)
Visual Studio 2008 (home, since most of my work is still in ColdFusion at work)
Microsoft Virtual PC (work)
Internet Explorer (7 at work, 7 and 8 at home)
Firefox (work)
that free SQL Server Management tool (work)
Google Talk (home)
Things I have no choice over at work (Outlook, our timesheets application, Cisco Communication, and Track-It!) are not included.
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