Waking Life: Chapter 20 - End Titles
Description: Script of the movie Waking Life, based on Tara Carreon's transcription, but with revisions based upon a viewing of the DVD version of the movie, which was watched with subtitles.
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[20 End Titles]
(Credits appear and music continues. It's worth sitting through to the end not only for the music, but also for a glimpse back at the animation styles from the film.)
Read the previous chapter.
Waking Life Script with Revisions
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For the sake of version control and in the interest of not having multiple versions floating about the Internet, please link to the pages on this site or use the code detailed above instead of copying the script elsewhere. Using short blurbs of a sentence or two is perfectly fine. Thank you :)
Permanent link: https://wakinglifemovie.net/transcript/chapter/20/
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