Waking Life: Chapter 19 - Wake Up!
Description: Script of the movie Waking Life, based on Tara Carreon's transcription, but with revisions based upon a viewing of the DVD version of the movie, which was watched with subtitles.
Notes: Special thanks to Andrew, Larry Redden, and Ed Sandberg for pointing out errors in Tara's transcription (numerous errors were fixed here, along with some scene information clarifications). Absolutely let me know if anything slipped by my look-over, especially in the quicker and the 'like, like, you know,' sections ;)
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[19 Wake Up!]
(The main character wakes up, is seen walking down a couple streets, exquisite piano music is playing, he walks towards a house, checks the door, walks to the driveway where a car is parked. He looks up at the sky and starts to float upwards, tries to grab onto the car door handle, misses twice, keeps floating up and floats away to nothing.)
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Waking Life Script with Revisions
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Permanent link: https://wakinglifemovie.net/transcript/chapter/19/
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