Romney: A vote for a democrat president aids a surrender to terror

Special edition over my lunch break ...

It seems Mitt Romney, former presidential hopeful, has withdrawn from the race.

Guardian Unlimited quotes him as such:

"In this time of war I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror," he told the Conservative Political Action Committee

As with the 2004 race, once again a Republican is stating that a Democrat president would result in the United States surrendering to terror (sadly, it doesn't look like that piece was moved over to the site, but I'll see if I can't dig it up and re-post it tonight).

I suppose the lesson learned by a NY-hopeful hasn't fully reached the entire party yet (although said NY hopeful was pretty delusion to think 9/11 and campaigning in a couple of states would honestly win him much in the way of votes).