Regular Expression tester - JavaScript

In a previous post, I posted the code I used for a ColdFusion regular expression tester.

This time I've got an attempt at a JavaScript version. There's a number of TODOs, but ...

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
 <html xmlns="">
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
 <title>JavaScript Regular Expression Tester</title>
 <style type="text/css">
  #form_help {
  #form_results {
  .highlight {
  #form_highlighttext {
   border:1px dashed #ccc;
 <script type="text/javascript">
  function RemoveHTML(TextContent) {
   var str = '';
   str = TextContent;
   str = str.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
   return str;
  function TestExpression() {
   var Expression = '';
   var ExpressionParameters = 'gm';
   var ExpressionText = '';
   try {
    document.getElementById('form_error').innerHTML = '';
    document.getElementById('form_results').innerHTML = '';
    document.getElementById('form_highlighttext').innerHTML = '';
    if (document.getElementById('InputExpression').value != '' && document.getElementById('InputText').value != '') {
     // TODO better check and error writing - use span with _s
     if (document.getElementById('CheckCase').checked) {
      ExpressionParameters += 'i';
     Expression = document.getElementById('InputExpression').value;
     ExpressionText = document.getElementById('InputText').value;
     var ExpressionObject = new RegExp(Expression, ExpressionParameters);
     var ExpressionTest = ExpressionObject.test(ExpressionText);
     if (ExpressionTest == true) {
      document.getElementById('form_results').innerHTML = '<p>The following results were found for your search:</p>';
      // Testing it appears to run it, so ...
      ExpressionObject = new RegExp(Expression, ExpressionParameters);
      var StringPosition = 0;
      var LastPosition = 0;
      var CountResults = 0;
      var ExpressionResults = ExpressionObject.exec(ExpressionText);
      if ( {
       while (ExpressionResults != null) {
        document.getElementById('form_results').innerHTML += '' + RemoveHTML(ExpressionResults[0]) + ' (' + ExpressionResults.index + ' - ' + ExpressionObject.lastIndex + ')' + '<br />';
        if (CountResults == 0) {
         StringPosition = 0;
        } else {
         StringPosition = LastPosition;
        document.getElementById('form_highlighttext').innerHTML += RemoveHTML(ExpressionText.substring(StringPosition, ExpressionResults.index)) + '<span class="highlight">' + RemoveHTML(ExpressionText.substring(ExpressionResults.index, ExpressionObject.lastIndex)) + '</span>';
        LastPosition = ExpressionObject.lastIndex;
        ExpressionResults = ExpressionObject.exec(ExpressionText);
       if (LastPosition && LastPosition < ExpressionText.length) {
        document.getElementById('form_highlighttext').innerHTML += RemoveHTML(ExpressionText.substring(LastPosition, ExpressionText.length));
      } else {
       // TODO
       document.getElementById('form_results').innerHTML += '' + ExpressionResults[0] + ' (' + ExpressionResults.index + ')' + '<br />';
       document.getElementById('form_results').innerHTML += '<br /><br />';
       //document.getElementById('form_highlighttext').innerHTML += ExpressionText.substring(StringPosition, ExpressionResults.index) + '<span class="highlight">' + ExpressionResults + '</span>';
     } else {
      document.getElementById('form_error').innerHTML = 'No match found.';
    } else {
     document.getElementById('form_error').innerHTML = 'You must enter both an expression and text to check that expression against.';
    return false;
   } catch(e) {
  <div id="form_help">
   <p>Regular expression notation:</p>
    <li>\b = Word boundary</li>
       <li>\B = Word nonboundary</li>
       <li>\d = Numeral (0-9)</li>
       <li>\D = Nonnumeral</li>
       <li>\s = Single whitespace</li>
       <li>\S = Single nonwhitespace</li>
       <li>\w = Letter, numeral, underscore</li>
       <li>\W = Not \w</li>
       <li>. = Any character except newline</li>
       <li>[] = Any character(s) in brackets</li>
       <li>[^] = Not []</li>
       <li>* = Preceding zero or more times</li>
       <li>? = Preceding zero or one time</li>
       <li>+ = Precending one or more times</li>
       <li>{<em>n</em>} = The preceding <em>n</em> times</li>
       <li>{<em>n</em>,} = <em>n</em> or more times </li>
       <li>{<em>n</em>,<em>m</em>}= At least <em>n</em>, at most <em>m</em>, times</li>
       <li>^ = Beginning of the string or line </li>
       <li>$ = End of the string or line </li>
  <form onsubmit="return false;">
   <label for="InputExpression">Regular expression:</label><input type="text" id="InputExpression" value="" /><br />
   <label for="CheckCase">Ignore case:</label><input type="checkbox" id="CheckCase" /><br />
   <textarea cols="50" id="InputText" rows="5">Hello and welcome. I do hope you'll come again. Will you?</textarea><br />
   <input type="button" onclick="TestExpression();" value="Test expression" />
  <div id="form_error" style="color:red;"></div>
  <div id="form_results"></div>
  <div id="form_highlighttext"></div>

As always, comments appreciated.