Making oXygen XML Editor (9.1) portable
The below information is correct for version 9.1. Comments on other versions are appreciated.
With flash drives becoming more and relevant, it's always good to find programs that can be run on these powerful drives. <oXygen/> XML Editor is one such program.
Making <oXygen/> portable
On the official site, there's a post regarding making <oXygen/> portable. However, what does it really involve?
Easily enough, it doesn't involve much more than is stated in the post.
First, you'll want to get a coyp of <oXygen/> installed onto your flash drive. I had previously installed <oXygen/> to my computer, so I just copied the Oxygen XML Editor 9 folder, within the Program Files directory, to my flash drive.
Next, there's a batch file called oxygen.bat in the main <oXygen/> directory.
If you open this in a text editor, like Notepad, you'll want to either comment out the below line, using rem at the beginning of the line, delete it, or modify it.
java -Xss512k -Xmx256m -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dcom.oxygenxml.ApplicationDataFolder="%APPDATA%" -cp %CP% ro.sync.exml.Oxygen %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
The line you'll want to end up with is as follows.
java -Duser.home=custom/license -Xss512k -Xmx256m -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dcom.oxygenxml.ApplicationDataFolder="%APPDATA%" -cp %CP% ro.sync.exml.Oxygen %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
The relevant text is -Duser.home=custom/license . In this case I've created a custom directory, under the <oXygen/> directory, as well as a license directory within that.
Once I run this batch file, it creates a lock file under this directory. In my case, G:\Oxygen XML Editor 9\custom\license\oxygen.lock
Once you've run the batch file, you can enter your license into <oXygen/> as usual. Once the copy has been registered, you can close out of <oXygen/> and/or the batch file. For any further <oXygen/> needs you can just open the main oxygen executable.
Portable apps
To see other applications that can be taken on the go, take a look at
Links of Note
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