Make sure you vote next Tuesday

Whatever you do on Tuesday, November 7, make sure that voting is one of them.

In Wisconsin you can check the Wisconsin State Elections Board Web site for information on where you can vote, as well as what referendums and candidates will be voted on.

Honestly, I look forward to Wisconsin re-electing Doyle for another term, as I know Wisconsin is smart enough to see through Green's current mask. Full disclosure: I'll be voting mostly for Democrats this election, as I did last election. We're not going to win in Iraq, and now it appears Bush has finally seen this truth (I suppose it helps that elections are around the corner, and things are looking really good for some positive change), so it's time to get some leadership that will not only be able to voice their concerns, but also actually make their voice (and our's too) heard.

The Constitutional amendment is another big item that I've got my eyes on. According to the summary, which you can attain from the Elections Board Web site (linked above),

A "no" vote would not change the present law restricting marriage to a union between a man or a woman nor impose restrictions on any particular kind of domestic relationship, partnership or agreement between unmarried persons.

Or, we can take it direct from the source (emphasis my own).

Section 13. Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state.

Nothing changes if you vote No. That's right, nothing. But by voting Yes you unnecessarily impose unfair sanctions upon other human beings for no reason (hence, 'unnecessarily').

Voting Yes does not 'O.K.' marriage between a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. That's what a number of individuals would have you believe, but it's not true. And if you're married, and if you really need this amendment to preserve the sanctity of your own marriage, just how good is your marriage?

One can't be taught to love, one must feel love ...