Horrific Hair
So, you're chewing on something, who knows exactly what (well, you know what - use your imagination) when you come to the realization that there is a hair in your mouth. You may not have any idea where it came from, whether it is a hair off of the top of your head, that fell onto your food, or what, but you know that it's in your mouth now. It's a fairly long hair, an inch and a half to two inches long probably. Anyways, one way or another, the hair is now in your mouth. Yet, for some reason, you decide not to take it out of your mouth. Instead, you decide that you don't really want to put your fingers in your mouth, for whatever reason. So, you munch on your food and end up swallowing your food. Yet, for some reason, the hair gets stuck in your throat. You attempt to clear your throat - once, twice - yet ... nothing really happens, other then the hairs focus in your mind. That is, you realize, more and more, that the hair does not seem to be moveable. You clear your throat again and feel a pain, like getting a paper cut. Know what that feels like, when you finally realize that you have a paper cut? It's ... well, let's imagine what that feels like now ...
That's the kind of feeling you get, as you clear your throat. You come to the realization that you have just moved the hair, but perhaps not in the way you were hoping. Instead of moving it out of your throat you have moved it into your throat. That is, the hair has now sliced through a slight layer of skin, within your throat. Perhaps your nerve endings are going off, one after another, in rows, all the way from your stomach to the top of your head. The shivers - a ghostly touch - a dance on a grave ...
Of course, your fingers can't get that far into your throat, and what would liquid do? Hopefully it's either milk or water - soda would probably sting that cut, or is it now cuts? Now, for whatever reason, once again the phrase arises, you realize that ... 'stuff' is piling up within your throat. You try to swallow, but the sting of a hair slicing through layers of skin soon dissuades you from doing that again. On both sides of this thin wall it piles up.
A worse scenario, I think, would be to have one's tongue sliced by one's hair. It's like tonguing the roof of your mouth, or some sore within your mouth - you can't stop, as much as it hurts.
Of course, that brings up a good question. If pain is painful, yet one continues to act in a way in order to get pain, does that mean that the pain is pleasurable? And, if it is pleasurable, does that mean that it is no longer pain?
It's like razors in apples - have you ever thought about that? You start to chew on an apple and feel this gush of blood and pain ... You open your mouth and feel it rolling down your chin - little red rivers.
Dental floss, consider dental floss. What if you were just a little too hard on your gums, with the floss? You're sitting in a chair perhaps and the floss goes down, it gets stuck, is pushed down harder, and it embedded within your gums after the floss slips from it's perch.
Have you ever had some spearmint type material, such as some toothpastes and some gums (like Winterfresh), and then breathed in through your teeth? One with sensitive teeth can get the reaction fairly quickly... The pain that one can experience with one's mouth ...
Perhaps you've seen the images of one's tooth pulled out by force - can you imagine it, the pain that it would be? It's worse, I'm sure. That is the way of memory, it's never as good as reality, or, perhaps more correctly, it's never as reality is. One makes things seem to be better, and some to be worse ...
So then, is reality good or not? Or is it just reality?
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