Dreamweaver 8 as a MXML IDE?
I've spent the last couple of hours trying to get Dreamweaver 8 to begin to function as a MXML IDE. Unfortunately, while I can get every <mx: tag added to the code hints, I'm having a heck of a time getting the actual code hints to function.
The small tutorial that Macromedia (and truly it was Macromedia at the time) provided isn't very helpful at all. CodeSnipers.com (link below) has some information on using Dreamweaver 8 a Ruby IDE, but since Ruby appears to be so function based ...
My open call is this; can anyone point me to a good tutorial that focuses on setting up CodeHints.xml, TagChooser.xml, and TagLibraries.vtm? Or, just CodeHints.xml?
Note: Title borrowed from Dreamweaver 8 as a Ruby IDE.
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