Adding PostgreSQL connectivity to ColdFusion MX on a local Windows-based, Apache, server
- March 19, 2006
- James Skemp
Adding MySQL connectivity to ColdFusion MX on a local Windows-based, Apache, server
- March 18, 2006
- James Skemp
Error handling on a local Windows-based, Apache, server
- March 16, 2006
- James Skemp
This time, we'll be setting up very basic error handling, and setup our first .htaccess file.
Installing PostgreSQL on a local Windows-based, Apache, server
- March 15, 2006
- James Skemp
Upgrading (our local install of) WordPress
- March 11, 2006
- James Skemp
In a previous guide, we walked through installing WordPress on a local machine. This time, we'll be upgrading WordPress. For this guide, we'll be upgrading from WordPress 2.0.1 to 2.0.2. Note that this guide will work equally well for upgrading to 2.0.3, 2.0.4 or 2.0.5.
Setting up WordPress on a local Web server
- February 28, 2006
- James Skemp
Note: This guide should work equally well for WordPress 2.0.2 and above. For a guide on upgrading this 2.0.1 install, see Upgrading (our local install of) WordPress.
In our previous tutorials, we setup an Apache-based Web server, on a Windows XP home computer. The Web server is also running PHP and MySQL, as well as ColdFusion MX. This time, we'll be installing WordPress onto our local Web server. This installation will require us to work with both PHP and MySQL, and we'll be able to setup any number of WordPresses after we have completed this one.
Installing ColdFusion on a local Windows-based, Apache, server
- February 27, 2006
- James Skemp
Note: For information on installing, or upgrading to ColdFusion MX 7.0.1, see Installing ColdFusion MX 7.0.1 on a local Windows-based, Apache, server.
In this tutorial, we'll be working through an installation of ColdFusion MX 6.1, Developer's Edition, on a local, Windows-based, Apache server. On this server, we've setup Apache, PHP, and MySQL, but will also want to have the ability to work with ColdFusion code (however, not necessarily on the same sites that we'll be using PHP). We'll be doing this to experience a more corporate Web-programming language – corporate primarily because of the costs associated with ColdFusion.
A local, Apache Web server, on a Windows XP computer
- February 27, 2006
- James Skemp
Installing Zend Optimizer on a local Windows-based, Apache, server
- February 26, 2006
- James Skemp
Note: This guide should work equally well for Zend Optimizer 3.0.1 and above. For a guide on upgrading this 2.6.2 install, see Upgrading to Zend Optimizer 3.0.1 on a local Windows-based, Apache, server.
From Zend's FAQ,
Why use the Zend Optimizer; isn't PHP supposed to be quite fast already?
The standard Zend run-time compiler used by PHP is indeed extremely fast, generating code that is usually 2 to 10 times faster. But an application that uses the Zend Optimizer typically executes another 40% to 100% faster.
So, Zend Optimizer will help decrease the time spent on processing code. If you run the file we created a few steps back, probably called http://localhost/phpinfo.php (which basically runs <?php phpinfo(); ?>), you'll notice a line that says "This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine: Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies". This is the standard Zend run-time compiler that is mentioned above. Once we download and install the Zend Optimizer, we'll see some additional lines here.
Installing MySQL Administrator on a local Windows-based, Apache, server
- February 25, 2006
- James Skemp
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