Using Disk Investigator to Regain Files
- October 9, 2003
- James Skemp
JRSs Terragen Water Window Guide
- September 17, 2003
- James Skemp
WinMX Help: How to read those Double-Byte filenames, User ID's and Messages
- August 20, 2003
- James Skemp
This content is copyright Byte_Bucket(AT)hotmail(DOT)com.
Created: 20-Aug-2003
Revisions/Corrections to: Byte_Bucket(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
Please take your questions to and Windows online help.
WinMX Help
How to read those Double-Byte filenames, User ID's and Messages
JRSs Terragen Atmosphere Window Guide
- August 9, 2003
- James Skemp
JRSs Terragen Terrain Genesis Window Guide
- August 9, 2003
- James Skemp
Bioform 0.99g: Basic Worms
- April 17, 2003
- James Skemp
Downloading Stuff From Other People Using WinMX
- November 11, 2002
- James Skemp
This is meant to help people understand the various things that you see when you download something off of someone else. If you have any questions, ask :)
Note: I no longer support WinMX. I merely post this in the hope that it's still of some benefit. Remember, P2P sharing is not, in itself, wrong - it's all about how you use it. Be responsible.
Links of Note
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