Installing Apache 2.0.59 to a Windows-based computer, locally: Part 2
- August 25, 2006
- James Skemp
In Part 1 of this Apache 2.0.59 guide, we setup Apache 2.0.59 on a Windows XP SP2 machine. We also setup Perl and mod_perl, attempting to mimic our Apache 1.3.34 install. This time, we'll be continuing in our quest by installing ColdFusion MX 6.1 and 7.
Installing Apache 2.0.59 to a Windows-based computer, locally: Part 1
- August 22, 2006
- James Skemp
Installing Eclipse 3.2 to a Windows XP SP2 machine
- August 19, 2006
- James Skemp
If there's one thing that I don't like about WordPress ..
- August 11, 2006
- James Skemp
... it's that updating is such a pain in the behind if you have to work remotely via FTP.
Four working browsers (at least)
- August 10, 2006
- James Skemp
There's just something about having four different browsers on your computer, to say the least. I do believe I've Lynx installed as well, but it's hardly used these days ... for better or worse.
Google Videos - How social networking can work
- July 27, 2006
- James Skemp
I was trying to pass some time, and came upon Adventures in Linux - Episode I, on Google Video. While the top 100 is full of material of little lasting value, it's nice to see the 1-2% of content that actually serves a purpose.
Moving the location of PHP on your hard drive
- July 1, 2006
- James Skemp
Build your own Firefox extension
- June 21, 2006
- James Skemp
There's a great little guide over at webmonkey that discusses how to build your own Firefox extension.
Initial thoughts on a square image canvas for fractals
- June 9, 2006
- James Skemp
I've been a part of a number of boards in my years, but the one that I've probably stayed on with for the longest is the board at Fractovia. In response to an image, I mentioned the canvas which turned into it's own thread (Squares?). Here's my intial reply, which I just had to save:
Upgrading to Zend Optimizer 3.0.1 on a local Windows-based, Apache, server
- June 8, 2006
- James Skemp
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