Dostoevsky's Underground Man as the Creation of Society
- October 31, 2002
- James Skemp
Rules for Sentential Logic
- October 29, 2002
- James Skemp
It is important to mention what sentential logic is. While my guide has been out for almost two years now, I’ve yet to discuss what these rules are for. Sentential logic is one logical system, by which conclusions can be reached via premises, which may or may not be true. The truth of the premises does not concern sentential logic. Rather, sentential logic will tell you what conclusions necessarily come from the premises posited.
Searching for a Friend: The Quest for a Definition of 'Friend' -or- What is a Friend? -or- Relationships with Others
- October 29, 2002
- James Skemp
The Problem
What exactly is it that makes an individual a ‘friend’? Why is one person a ‘friend’, another not, and yet another your ‘best friend’?
Antony Flew and The Falsification Debate
- October 2, 2002
- James Skemp
Guide to One Philosophy of Life: Revision 1
- September 29, 2002
- James Skemp
Descartes, Meditations and the Problem of the Dualism
- May 6, 2002
- James Skemp
Confucian View on Conflict and the Ruler
- April 22, 2002
- James Skemp
Applied Theoretical Ethics Term Paper
- April 21, 2002
- James Skemp
The Great Learning of the Confucian School
- March 30, 2002
- James Skemp
Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle and Nichomachean Ethics
- December 20, 2001
- James Skemp
Links of Note
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