The Four Dimensions: A Brief Introduction
- October 23, 2002
- James Skemp
Antony Flew and The Falsification Debate
- October 2, 2002
- James Skemp
Guide to One Philosophy of Life: Revision 1
- September 29, 2002
- James Skemp
Man's Quest for Dominance over Nature within Frankenstein
- September 18, 2002
- James Skemp
Descartes, Meditations and the Problem of the Dualism
- May 6, 2002
- James Skemp
The Impact of Civilization and Its Laws on the Individual
- May 3, 2002
- James Skemp
Confucian View on Conflict and the Ruler
- April 22, 2002
- James Skemp
Applied Theoretical Ethics Term Paper
- April 21, 2002
- James Skemp
The Great Learning of the Confucian School
- March 30, 2002
- James Skemp
Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle and Nichomachean Ethics
- December 20, 2001
- James Skemp
Links of Note
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