12 Monkeys: A Timeline of the Events of the Movie
- June 28, 2003
- James Skemp
On the Saying 'Idle Hands are the Devil's Tools'
- June 2, 2003
- James Skemp
It is said that "Idle Hands Are The Devil's Tools", meaning that when one is bored, one tends to get into trouble. I have a problem, or concern, with this statement however. Let's say I'm bored and I end up setting fire to a kerosene soaked blanket which ends up leading to my home becoming engulfed in flames. Now, if we want to get technical, which is exactly what I want to do, then as soon as my hands are no longer idle - as soon as I begin to do something with my hands - they are not the devil's tools, right?
Horrific Hair
- May 20, 2003
- James Skemp
So, you're chewing on something, who knows exactly what (well, you know what - use your imagination) when you come to the realization that there is a hair in your mouth. You may not have any idea where it came from, whether it is a hair off of the top of your head, that fell onto your food, or what, but you know that it's in your mouth now. It's a fairly long hair, an inch and a half to two inches long probably. Anyways, one way or another, the hair is now in your mouth. Yet, for some reason, you decide not to take it out of your mouth. Instead, you decide that you don't really want to put your fingers in your mouth, for whatever reason. So, you munch on your food and end up swallowing your food. Yet, for some reason, the hair gets stuck in your throat. You attempt to clear your throat - once, twice - yet ... nothing really happens, other then the hairs focus in your mind. That is, you realize, more and more, that the hair does not seem to be moveable. You clear your throat again and feel a pain, like getting a paper cut. Know what that feels like, when you finally realize that you have a paper cut? It's ... well, let's imagine what that feels like now ...
On the Saying "The Customer is Always Right"
- May 19, 2003
- James Skemp
Religion and Medieval Philosophy: Final Text Analysis
- May 14, 2003
- James Skemp
Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica and the Question of the Will
- May 13, 2003
- James Skemp
The Analytic and Phenomenological Traditions in Relation to Intentionality
- May 11, 2003
- James Skemp
Religion and Medieval Philosophy: Final Take Home Exam
- May 7, 2003
- James Skemp
Experience as the Central Value of the Age of Reason
- May 5, 2003
- James Skemp
Epistemology: Paper on Husserl and Logical Investigations
- April 27, 2003
- James Skemp
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