Windows Vista SP1 installation: painless

Granted my machine came new with Windows Vista (Home Premium), but that doesn't nullify the fact that Windows Vista SP1 installation was a breeze on my business machine.

The listing of enhancements is pretty impressive, and does much to alleviate the disappointments I had regarding certain aspects (such as the fact that SP1 supposedly changes the file copy/move functionality back to Windows XP; one of the things I really liked, once I found out about it, was that Vista doesn't keep working with the file action in the background, once the window is removed.

Granted, I don't turn off my machines much these days (my XP machine has been up for over 28 days, 21 hours), but ... it's just one of those things that is quite nice.

Honestly, this experience has been yet another reminder of what I (should have) learned from my philosophy courses - you can't make a true judgment regarding something until you've actually tried it.

Now the question is whether I upgrade to Vista Ultimate ... (very tempting since I can't use Virtual PC 2007)