On InboxDollar$.com, and similar programs

  • November 13, 2004
  • James Skemp
  • Internet

There’s a lot of hoopla about making money online for doing very little. I can remember, when I first got onto the Internet for extended amounts of time, during my early college years, when my roommate, Jeremy Peterson, would find something online and share it with me. Sometimes these things ended up being busts, but sometimes they would end up fairly big. Napster, for example, was probably introduced to me by him, which was a great thing until it went down.

I can remember other things that he introduced me to, including some programs that would pay you for how much you moved your mouse, or how many times you visited a page. Now days, most of these have gone under, since people were able to cheat the programs with programs of their own, and were able to create pages that would automatically refresh pages.

InboxDollar$.comHowever, there are still a few programs out there that pay you for doing things that are not too far out of your way. Sometimes, they pay you with information, such as MadisonCoupons.com, a local site that’s been pushed fairly heavy on the air (radio). Sometimes, you do surveys and make points, or actual rewards (such as gift certificates – I’ve picked up two gift certificates for Amazon.com from Microsoft®). Sometimes, however, you find a site that still does things the older way – click on links and make money.

InboxDollars.com is one of these kinds of sites. You signup for email, receive a couple emails a week, open the email, click on a link that directs you to a page where you click on another link to view an offer. They tend to send offers for free or trial products, sometimes even for similar programs. While you don’t have to sign up for the offer, sometimes you’ll see something you like. Since they’re mostly trials, it’s not a hard thing to get out of them. But, signing up for additional offers is not necessary.

Each time you click on a link to view the actual page of the offer, you get a couple of cents. While it’s not much, it does add up. After you’ve made a certain amount of money, $30 at the most (you can go above, say to $45, but this is the amount at which everyone can get a check), you’ll be able to get paid.

Now, the question is, why sign up for something like this? I’ve been signed up at least since July of 2003, but have not yet made enough money to get a check. Yet, I would still recommend this program. Why? Because it’s easy. I’ve clicked through 349 emails, making $11.61. I’ve filled in some demographics information, the address of which they have yet to use, making $5. I’ve signed up one other person, who has read 20 emails, which has made me 5¢ (they have made 82¢). I signed up for two offers, which made me $2.10 total. This brings my earnings up to $18.76. This certainly isn’t too bad, especially since I’ve spent maybe a couple of hours doing this. Even if I spent three hours signing up for offers and such, that’s over $6 an hour (above minimum wage, but lower than my current earnings).

Where you really make the money, after a time, is from signing up people. Much like a pyramid scheme (although not quite as bad), those who sign lots of people up make lots of money, while those that sign up due to someone else’s recommendation, make regular money.

So, that’s about where I end this. I personally have found this to be a rewarding program, since I’ve made $20 in free books thus far, from something I signed up through this program. If you’d like to sign up, for free, for a trial, check out http://www.inboxdollars.com/?r=jamesrskemp. If you end up joining, throw my username (jamesrskemp) into the referrer box, and I’ll make a few cents.

Any comments from users who already are a part of this program, or who have questions regarding this program, can be directed to the email far above.


I no longer use InboxDollar$.com. However, people have commented on a similar post of mine, which you may find useful - Getting the Most of Your InboxDollar$.com Account.